Important: This documentation is meant for developers who want to develop bots or tools for gw2cc. If you just want to use gw2cc for botting or as an assist tool please refer to User: Installing gw2cc!
How to get access #
Before you can develop for gw2cc you first need to request access to the Github repository that is hosting the modding toolkit. You can do so by simply sending a PM to one of the Admins on the gw2cc Discord with your Github username so that we can invite you to the developer team.
Setup #
To develop for gw2cc it is recommended to use git and the shipped Godot IDE. If you are developing on Windows you can use TortoiseGit for a more user friendly GUI based solution. As an alternative, you can also use Visual Studio Code as an all in one solution since there is a godot plugin available. Please also make sure that git lfs is enabled.
Once you are set up you can start by cloning the gw2cc repository with:
git clone
This should download all of the source code that is needed to build bots and tools.
Then install Python 3.12. Ideally using for example miniconda to keep everything clean. Once that is done simply open a terminal in the root folder and execute
pip install -r requirements_windows.txt
to install all the python dependencies. You can then start the launcher with python by running
python launcher/
This will download all the required GW 2 assets and convert them into files that are readable by godot.
Running the Editor #
After the development environment has been set up you can now simply start the Editor by executing gw2cc.exe in the bin folder.
The first time you start it you should be greeted by an empty Project Manager
Simply choose Import and browse to the location you cloned gw2cc into. Select the project.godot file and hit open to import the project and launch the Editor. When the import is complete, restart gw2cc.exe.
For a basic tutorial on how to use the Editor please refer to the official godot documentation.
Documentation #
The main gw2cc documentation is integrated directly into the editor. You can access it by pressing F1 or clicking on Search Help in the Script editor.